Submission Guidelines
The Bloomin’ Onion accepts submissions of works of flash fiction, short stories, and longform stories on a rolling basis (year-round) and publishes two flash fiction/short story issues per year—April and October. In addition to the bi-annual issues, we also publish weekly flash fiction/short story features, which highlight one particular story we found captivating. Longform stories are published as standalone pieces every other month, starting July 1, 2025. Please, no poetry, essays, or anything other than fiction at this time.
Below is a list of what we’re currently accepting with word counts:
OPEN - Flash Fiction - <1,000 words
OPEN - Short Stories - 1,001-5,000 words
OPEN - Longform Stories - 5,001-15,000 words
We aim for a response time of 4-6 weeks, but please be patient. You may reach out regarding your submission if you haven’t received a response within 8 weeks of the submission date.
SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS are accepted and encouraged! However, please withdraw your work by responding to your submission email if your piece is accepted elsewhere.
We’re writers, too, and we don’t like being ghosted, so you’ll hear from us regarding your submission regardless of the final verdict. The email we send you will either be of acceptance, rejection, or confirmation that your work has been withdrawn. Unfortunately, we cannot offer individualized feedback on submissions at this time.
You may submit up to TWO total stories within a given submission period—that means two works of flash fiction, two short stories, two longform stories, or a combination of the categories. Anything beyond two submissions will not be considered until the start of the next submission period. All flash fiction and short story submissions are considered for the weekly features and the bi-annual issues. Longform stories are considered only for longform bi-monthly features.
All writers are encouraged to submit, as we greatly enjoy lifting up work written by newly published or previously unpublished writers.
We do not accept submissions of previously published work with the exception of work published in magazines which are now defunct.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we publish anything racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, derogatory toward any marginalized group, AI-generated, or anything else deemed to be of poor taste. It is at the editors’ discretion as to what is categorized to be of poor taste. Should you choose to submit something ultimately deemed to be of poor taste, you will receive an email informing you that you’re banned from submitting further to our magazine, after which your email address will be blocked. Just be a good ‘lil onion.
Unfortunately, we cannot pay contributors at this time.
If accepted, The Bloomin’ Onion acquires First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights. All rights revert to the contributor following publication. The contributor agrees to credit The Bloomin’ Onion as the original publisher if the work is subsequently reproduced online or in print.
How to Submit
Email all submissions to:
Please use the subject line below, only replacing the information in quotes. You can copy and paste this directly into your email then change the necessary information.
Submitting ONE story: FICTION SUBMISSION - “Story Title Here / Word Count” - “Your Name Here”
Submitting TWO stories: MULTIPLE FICTION SUBMISSIONS - “Story Title #1 / Word Count” - “Story Title #2 / Word Count” - “Your Name Here”
Make all submissions in a Word document (.docx). If you don’t have access to Word, please submit a PDF. Submitting in other forms complicates our lives significantly and slows down the whole process.
Attach the Word document or PDF to the email. If submitting two stories, please include them together in a single document.
In the body of the email, please include a short cover letter and author bio. The bio should be no more than 100 words. Please include your social media handles in the bio (doesn’t count toward the 100 word limit).
***Additionally, PLEASE let us know if you have 3 or less total publications. As per our About section, we want to support new writers as best we can, but we won’t know that unless you tell us!
Finally, please include in the cover letter the name of your hometown. We like to know where in the world our contributors are from!